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March 22, 2015 / briannasw

Jet Boating

Well… I finally went jet boating on an actual river yesterday! I’ve been on the boat a bunch of times, but I’m not a fan of white water, so I haven’t done that before. Justin took me out with his family and the jet boat association they are in. It was really nice to finally meet everyone I had heard about for so long. We went to Glenn’s Ferry, which is a beginner ride, so it was perfect for me. It was a great day to relax and fish. I also got to shoot an AR for the first time (I want to buy one now!)



March 18, 2015 / briannasw

Long Day

Today has definitely been dragging. Started the day off at the gym and got a text from my boss saying he didn’t feel good so I took him soup and medicine and ended up taking him to the hospital. Then I worked all day after that and ran errands. Apparently birds are attracted to pooping on my car, so I had to go get a car wash. Luckily the weather is nice today :) I’m enjoying this bowl of fruit in the sun. wonderful Wednesday! 

March 16, 2015 / briannasw

Monday :)

Hope everybody had a wonderful weekend! I spent a lot of time at the gym and hanging out with my best friend. It was pretty great but went by really quick. 

March 14, 2015 / briannasw

Whiskey or Tea

hi everyone. I really suck at blogging anymore. I hope when I graduate I will find the time to be more active on here. Although I have found the time to be more physically active (I’m finally starting to see some baby biceps). Tonight is my brother-in-laws birthday so I’m excited to go over there and see how my sister decorated their place. I’m sure it’s going to look great. I’ll try to get some good pictures of it :) hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!

February 8, 2015 / briannasw

Dreamy Car

I finally got the Toyota 4Runner I’ve wanted for so long. I really only like this body style so I was pretty picky in finding the right one. I couldn’t be happy that I finally have it :) I have the original stock wheels on it now.

Processed with VSCOcam with m5 preset

November 19, 2014 / briannasw

dying my own hair

I have heard a lot of people say that it’s difficult to dye your own hair at home, so I decided to make a little tutorial of what I do for mine.

Step 1

Brush through hair and keep the part in normal place

Processed with VSCOcam with c1 preset

Step 2

Put conditioner around hairline (this helps prevent getting the color on your skin)

Once the dye is ready I start to put it down my part and rub it down against the scalp.

Then I dye all around my hair line, around my ears, and underneath as well.

Then I make zig-zags starting next to my natural part and make sure my scalp is covered.

Processed with VSCOcam with g3 preset

Step 3

Take small pieces of your hair and cover with color. This is the longest step to make sure you get all the strands.

I try to place the pieces on top of my head as I go through, so it keeps the wet pieces together.

After I’ve covered all my hair, I massage the color on my scalp and gather the hair together in a bun.

If I have any dye left I squeeze the rest of it in the bun to make sure the ends are covered really well.

Processed with VSCOcam with g3 preset

Don’t forget to clean off your skin afterwards from any dye you may have accidentally got on your face or neck. I pretty much do this every time haha, so don’t worry if you do. It will come off! These steps have always worked for me to get all over color, so I hope it helps :)

November 18, 2014 / briannasw

Feeling Better

I think I’m finally starting to kick this cold I’ve had, which is great. Of course I got sick during the busiest week so far this semester.
I decided to skip class today and go have lunch with my mom. It was nice eating with her because now that I have a new job I’m not ever free to have lunch with her. I went and tanned after because it’s so cold outside! It was nice to warm up a little.



November 16, 2014 / briannasw


I decided to go into work today and help my boss with a side project. It was pretty boring but we all have fun talking about random things while working. I have some projects due this week that I need to work on tonight. It’s been a relaxing weekend trying to get over this cold.


November 15, 2014 / briannasw

Car Problems

My check engine light turned on last week so my boyfriend decided to work on it today. He let me borrow his truck so I could go to a group meeting while he worked on my car. I’m so happy he tried fixing it instead of having to spend so much on labor to take it in. The light shut off so hopefully everything is fixed. We are going to a snowmobile expo now and then a premiere.


November 13, 2014 / briannasw


Processed with VSCOcam with c1 preset
I’m so excited that the treasure valley finally got snow. Unfortunately everybody is terrible at driving in it, but the roads were a little slick so it’s okay on the freeway. It took so long to get to class. I was almost late for a test (my test went really well, I probably got a 100%) and my ‘check engine’ light turned on :( I definitely don’t feel like dealing with that right now; hopefully my car doesn’t IMG_0719break down and I get stuck in the snow!

I posted this awesome picture on instagram of the first few times I ever went snowboarding. I was wearing almost all of Luke’s gear (even board and boots) and my mom’s awesome gloves haha it’s so funny seeing how much my gear has changed and my love for snowboarding has expanded.